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Summertime Boating and our News!
Summer is here and we are getting is summer-sailing mood! Also, TheBoatApp is getting better with improved Subscriptions management and Apple login; Dashboard filters; Inventory import, custom user-field; Checklists' categories, linked-records, attached-files and so much more!
Happy New Year 2024 & Plans!
Wishes and plans for 2024, including user-defined fields, calendar, checklists, alerts, tables' filter & sort, etc.
Multi-boat and more Subscription-plans!
You talk and we listen to your needs! Following this, we are about to release a major update to introduce Multi-boat within a single account. We are also introducing more paid-plans subscription tiers for you to select which one fits on each of your vessels.
Happy August! Folders & Sub-folders are here!
Folders and sub-folders are now supported. Go ahead and setup the folders structure that suits you better to file licenses, certificates, warranties, manuals, work/pleasure photos & videos and anything else you need to keep your boat in top shape!
Happy May! Costs Module, Custom Categories and Locations, and more!
Spring is practically here and the Northern-hemisphere boating season is about to kick-off! Aren’t we all happy to leave the mundane city-life and go cruising? You bet we are! So, is your boat in shape for the new season? We can proudly state that TheBoatApp is in better shape this season, to keep your boat in top-shape!
Happy 2023! Let’s talk Costs & Boat Maintenance!
It is commonly accepted that the last couple of years have been tough ones. Nevertheless, the boating community has been thriving and the best witness of it are the soaring boat sales! Regardless of even cancelled boat shows, most - if not all - boat makers have a looong backlog and getting the boat you wish in time is pretty much “mission impossible”! But this is not bad since it expands our community, brings more people to boating, more resources available to us all, no matter if it is a new-boat, a spare-part, asking for help when needed or “just” more friends to be made!
Mobile v2 Public Beta is Live on Android and iOS!
Mobile v2 Android and iOS Apps have been released! You may download your app from Google Play (Android) and the App Store (iOS). We have to be frank to all of you and convey our apologies for such a looong delay, especially to the Gold users graciously supporting the platform. We do our best to move ahead as fast as possible but we have a really wide ecosystem to maintain and thus many parts to add or improve.
Data Export and Sharing Granularity are here! Your data are… YOURS!
Summer days are over and despite what may have crossed your mind, that we quit the project and head to sailing, we have been actually working on making things better, being somewhat jealous of those lucky yachtsmen enjoying more cruising and less screen-time!
TheBoatDB-2.0 has cast off the lines!
A boatload of news to share with you on this newsletter, with the most prominent one being the release of TheBoatDB-2.0, on a fully redesigned user-interface. We have made it much easier to browse your favourite boat maker, type (sail vs. power), hull-type (mono-cata-tri), search on various categories, compare side-to-sire and much more.
We made it to 2022! Happy New Year!
We made it to 2022! Not an easy task considering the global situation, travel restrictions and much more. 2021 proved to be a really tough cookie to crack so let us wish for 2022 to provide some slack!
We are listening to YOU!
So, summer is about to kiss us goodbye (...for the North hemisphere at least!), with users from Canada already reporting docking their boats for good and preparing for winterizing and yet another long-winter! Don't despair, our Southern friends in South Africa and Australia are ready for the sailing season, and maybe we shall think of joining them! (…if it wasn’t for these dreaded international travel restrictions!)
Keep Track of our Improvements!
Even amidst summer (...for the North hemisphere at least!), we are continuing with our development efforts and have released TheBoatApp v2.0.3 on the web. We have made quite some additions, updates and fixes. For the full details, have a look in the online Changelog. Furthermore, TheBoatDB v2 is scheduled for release during August, on a fully redesigned user interface, brand new graphics and more.
Get the Full Experience from TheBoatApp!
Following the release of TheBoatApp 2.0, we continue our work by fixing and optimizing issues that you bring to our attention as well as by adding new features. Similarly, we are working on the Mobile Apps 2.0. We do know that the current Mobile Apps v1 on Android and iOS are much less than optimal and we are doing a full redesign towards releasing v2 in a few months. Last but not least, TheBoatDB 2.0 will be soon launched. We have done a full redesign to make it easier to browse the boats database, added new search and advanced search panels, exploring by boat manufacturer, and many more.
Try Gold FREE for 90 Days!
The trading winds are blowing favorably and we have recently launched v2.0 of our platform! Your account is now fully migrated to v2.0 and on your next next login you will complimentary join the Try Gold FREE for 90 Days plan. This is absolutely free for you. Upon the expiration of the provided Try Gold FREE for 90 Days, your plan will be automatically reverted to Free without any obligations on your side.
TheBoatApp web-2.0 is coming up! Your Gold subscription will be extended by one (1) year!
The trading winds are blowing favorably and after 9+ months in very productive lock-down conditions(!) we are about to launch v2.0 of our platform on the web. We are already counting thousands of registered users, with you being amongst the prestigious Gold users that honored us by subscribing even during our early v1! Thus, we want to let you know in advance of what is coming up and also to present you with a small gift, as a token of our deep appreciation of your pragmatic support towards our continuous development efforts.