Happy May! Costs Module, Custom Categories and Locations, and more!
Spring is practically here and the Northern-hemisphere boating season is about to kick-off! Aren’t we all happy to leave the mundane city-life and go cruising? You bet we are! So, is your boat in shape for the new season? We can proudly state that TheBoatApp is in better shape this season, to keep your boat in top-shape!
During the first months of 2023 we have managed to deliver many new and improved features, some of them asked by you (we really like getting feedback, even if we might be not able to fully satisfy all requests immediately). So, without further ado, find below a short-summary of the latest additions and improvements.
- Maintenance: you may setup all maintenance parameters for an inventory item, including time-recurrence (every X days/weeks/months) or usage-recurrence (every X hours/litres) or both, set due-dates plus early reminders and much more. Performed maintenance is properly logged in your Operations Log (see further below) for diligent record-keeping. For the full elaboration, refer to the Maintenance tutorial.
- Costs: fields have been extended to included booking of any applicable tax, type (goods/services), category, etc; spanning also all records where costs may be involved (operations-logs, inventory, tasks). Furthermore, a discrete Costs module has been added to provide central booking and reviewing of all your costs. The Costs table-view provides the big picture and you may search for anything needed as well as sort the table by any preference (name, boat, amount, date, type, category, etc). For the full picture, refer to the Costs tutorial.

- Currencies: we have added all major international currencies. You may configure your default one so that all new costs records will start with this pre-selected, while you may change it manually if needed. For more, refer to the Costs tutorial.
- Dashboard: the Costs graph has been revised to provide category totals as well as to select time-period to display the costs for. One glance tells all about how much is spent on what!
- Categories & Customisation: you have asked and we delivered! Custom user-defined categories are here to setup any category you want to use for costs tracking. For more, refer to the Categories & Customisation tutorial.

- Inventory Locations & Sub-locations: another feature which you have been eager to get is here! You now have full-granularity and customisation to add your very own locations and many levels of sub-locations to define exactly where these precious spare parts are located. For more, refer to the Locations & Sub-locations tutorial.
- Operations Log (a.k.a. Maintenance Log): is here to document and track all your operations. Keep a full record of the works done or usage history for a specific inventory item and much more. Refer to the Operations Log tutorial for more.
We keep working to bring affordable technology benefits to every sailor. Thus, the platform remains Freemium, with a rock-bottom subscription for our Gold supporters. Our vision is to be able to provide to the whole boating community Improved Safety aboard, Peace-of-mind and Reselling value. If you have missed the past posts on how this is achievable, do some short reading on how to “Standardise & Systematise your boating data” and “Why not use my paper or even electronic spreadsheet (Excel) tables?”.
As always, you can track the progress directly on our online changelog.
Closing, we remain grateful to the Gold subscribers for supporting the platform and we call the rest of you to join them, get extra features and support the platform, for us to keep developing and adding new features on TheBoatApp and TheBoatDB.
YOU are the wind on our sails!
Thanking you, we wish you good health and an always seaworthy boat!