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How Can Boating Benefit Retirees?
Boating can range from sailing, fishing, and racing — all of which allow you to explore nature in a different way as you step away from land and into the water. Because of this refreshing way of approaching the world, Business Wire reports that recreational boating boomed in 2021. Today, boating continues to be popular.
Jan 30, 2023
less than a min

Welcome to TheBoatApp Blog!
TheBoatApp, powered by TheBoatDB, is an app that helps gather and track relevant information regarding boats, yachts and marine data. Everything is available in just one place, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world through the app. It allows you to organise your boat life, catalogue all the data you are interested in, have it backed-up so you never lose it, organize it all and be on track, including news on yachts and other boats. TheBoatApp aims to become the “Marine Data Cloud” and offer not only information but also tips and tricks to make your marine life easier.
Sep 07, 2019
less than a min