When Should your Boat and Equipment be Inspected
Boats are like small factories, composed of a variety of elements that work together to make the vessel safe and enjoyable to sail. All the items that compose the boat however need to be top-notch to allow you to navigate oceans without having to worry that something might break along the way and leave you stranded. As a result, you need to make sure to inspect every aspect of the boat regularly.
Sep 16, 2021
less than a min

Annual Boat Service and Maintenance Average Costs
Buying a boat comes with a few hidden costs that you might not be aware of from the very first moment when you complete the transaction. These include the annual boat service cost as well as maintenance. Knowing these amounts is quite important as they can be considerable sums that might even change your mind whether you can actually afford to own a boat or not.
Aug 24, 2021
less than a min

Boat Fuel Tank Replacement Cost
Knowing the boat fuel replacement cost will help you make some important decisions regarding your boat. The most impactful one being: is it worth replacing the tank or is it better to sell the boat? If you are already having doubts about keeping your boat or getting a new one, the boat fuel tank replacement cost will certainly help make an informed decision.
Jul 22, 2021
less than a min

Boat Aluminum Fuel Tank Maintenance Tips
Aluminum boat gas tanks can last for decades if you care about them properly. Without proper maintenance, however, these types of tanks can start to leak in a few years. The most common problem is a tank resting on moisture and getting corroded and failing. Other failing reasons are:
Jul 16, 2021
less than a min

Which is the best Boat/Sailboat Propeller
The propeller is a part of the boat that goes underwater and keeps your boat moving when you do not want to open the sail. It is important to find the right propeller for your boat to keep everything going smoothly and efficiently, and most importantly, to keep your boat moving.
Jun 03, 2021
less than a min

What is a boat report software
A boat report software is a platform that helps boat owners and members of the boat managing team to better take care of the boat. It generates reports regarding all the items in stock and onboard the boat, as well as maintenance schedules, checklists, logbooks, tasks, and their updates and mores.
Jul 10, 2020
less than a min

The sailboat trip checklist you must have before sailing
The sailing trip checklist is a very important part of any voyage. A proper checklist helps you be prepared in the face of adversity, especially when you are out in the open waters with no sign of land or a marina. This is why it should never be neglected. Whether it is an old school list or a more precise digital checklist like TheBoatAPP has incorporated, make sure you go over it before setting off.
Jul 01, 2020
less than a min

Advantages of using an automated sailboat maintenance software
What is an automated sailboat maintenance software
Everything is becoming automated these days. Software and apps are governing the world, in a good sense however. After all, they have been developed to make all of our lives easier and stress-free. The main point of switching to automated systems is to increase the coordination and performance of a group of people or a crew, in addition to making a manager perform better at his job. Automated maintenance systems allow management teams to divide their tasks in such a way so that there is no confusion or overlapping. Everyone maintains their job position properly resulting in a more efficient team. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that maritime industry and life aboard has not remained oblivious to the charm of automated systems.
Feb 27, 2020
less than a min

7 Innovative Approaches to Improve Your Boat!
Boat owners all around the world are constantly trying to find new ways to maintain and improve their boats in order to achieve their full potential and sail them safely and securely on open waters. There are a number of different ways how to keep your boat up to date with all that is new and improved, as there are also various approaches you could take with regards to boat improvement. Here are the 7 most innovative and interesting ways we have found that could improve your boat as well as your whole sailing experience without having to go through too much trouble.
Oct 07, 2019
less than a min