How Long does it Take to Sail Around the World
People have been dreaming to sail around the world for years now, maybe since Joules Verne described it in his remarkable adventure book. While the book suggests it takes 80 days to travel around the world, how long would it take now to sail across Earth?
Oct 04, 2021
less than a min

Best boats to sail around the world
Sailing around the world is regarded as one of the safest ways to travel, according to recent statistics. The only way for it to become a little bit worrisome is if you are not careful. That said, having a good boat to sail worldwide will also increase your chance of being safer and enjoying your trip better.
Oct 20, 2020
less than a min

Best routes to sail around the world
Sailing around the world is one of the most interesting adventures you could experience. There are however certain risks associated with it such as bad weather, rough sea, or sudden hazards. All these risks can be minimized considerably if you choose secure routes to sail.
Jun 22, 2020
less than a min