Automated boats and their advantages
Automated boats are the future. We have heard this phrase over and over again, not just referring to boats, but to any means of transport in general. We keep getting glimpses of self-driving cars, self-riding bikes, or self-sailing yachts and ships. Nowadays, turning to automation systems means having achieved a proper balance between design and modern technologies.
Sep 28, 2020
less than a min

BoatYachtHow To
Essential Boating Equipment: Anchors, GPS Systems and Marine Electronics
Whether you're an experienced sailor or a novice setting sail for the first time, having the right boating equipment is crucial for a safe and enjoyable voyage. Nowadays, boats are equipped with advanced GPS systems and marine electronics. These can be controlled using your mobile. Hence, the art and leisure of boating has taken a modern twist with the recent techs.
Nov 06, 2023
less than a min