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Version 2.0 is coming up, on all your screens!

Ahoy fellow sailors!

It's been by the end of 2019 that we launched TheBoatApp, powered by TheBoatDB, and we got overwhelmed with your encouraging feedback and really useful suggestions and comments. One things was made clear to us, we were on the right track but still had quite some development to do!

Following this, our full team, over a dozen of experts and counting, has been working hard for the past 6+ months and we are about to release version 2.0 of the platform where many not so user-friendly aspects - including "adding a boat" to your account and "sharing", as many of you have reported - have been fixed. We did a full user-interface redesign, making operations and configurations much more straight forward. This is due to be released on August 2020 for the web access and a bit later on for the mobile apps (yes, both Android and iOS apps are getting a full redesign too!). We want to keep TheBoatApp really affordable for all sailors out there but still we want it to be nice looking and - more importantly - effective to work with!

Since a picture equals a thousands words, here is a sneak-pick of what you are about to get:

...coming up soon, on all your screens!


With Best Marine Regards,

Your Marine Data Cloud